09 May 2009

time for change.

global warming.
today is a sunny day. not just today but everyday! why is kk so hot? bgs i go tanam pokok byk byk so that it wont be so hot. OHHH FUCKING HOT! i can imagine those poor kids at national service here. with all those kawad kaki. damn! we should take better care of our planet. stop global warming and save our planet!
beyond from that. there's this bitch which my bestfriend hates so much just making me much more hotter, i mean panas. she thinks she's like what the one? ohh please. eat yr fucking condoms! yeah it feels good right hurting someone who has been yr friend for idontknowhowlong. maybe there's been few misunderstanding between she and my bff but hey. stop talking shit bitch! some people just dont understand. so hny, stay strong okay! we'll fucking kick her bitch ass down! wayyyy down down down! yeah learn some manners.